CLI Tools

There are several CLI tools that are used as part of the Avalon Music Server besides the actual server part.

Each of these tools will be detailed below.


Print the contents of the default configuration for the Avalon Music Server WSGI application to STDOUT.

Useful for creating a configuration file for the server that can be customized as described below.


$ avalon-echo-config [options]


-h --help
Prints how to invoke the command and supported options and exits.
-V --version
Prints the installed version of the Avalon Music Server and exits.


$ avalon-echo-config > /var/www/avalon/


Scan a music collection for meta data and insert it into a database, making sure to create the database schema if it does not already exist.

Database connection information is loaded from the default configuration file and optionally a configuration override file (whose location is specified by the AVALON_CONFIG environmental variable). This can also be overridden using the --database option.


$ avalon-scan [options] {music collection path}


-h --help
Prints how to invoke the command and supported options and exits.
-V --version
Prints the installed version of the Avalon Music Server and exits.
-d <URL> --database <URL>
Database URL connection string for the database to write music collection meta data to. If not specified the value from the default configuration file and configuration file override will be used. The URL must be one supported by SQLAlchemy.
-q --quiet
Be less verbose, only emit ERROR level messages to the console.


Use the database type and location specified by the default configuration file (usually SQLite and /tmp/avalon.sqlite) and scan the music collection in the directory ‘music’.

$ avalon-scan ~/music

Use the database type and location specified by a custom configuration file and scan the music collection in the ‘media’ directory.

$ AVALON_CONFIG=/home/user/avalon/ avalon-scan /home/media

Use a PostgreSQL database type and connect to a remote database server and scan the music collection in the directory ‘music’.

$ avalon-scan --database 'postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@server/database' ~/music

Use a SQLite database type in a non-default location and scan the music collection in the directory ‘/home/files/music’.

$ avalon-scan --database 'sqlite:////var/db/avalon.sqlite' /home/files/music